On this page you can find answers to common queries about updating your UK-Med Community of Practice information, as well as instructions on where to direct any queries not answered.
On this page you can find answers to common queries about updating your UK-Med Community of Practice information, as well as instructions on where to direct any queries not answered.
When you visit the Community of Practice Members Area or Programme Participants Area, you are provided with blank forms which you can use to submit your information. After you submit these forms, your information is automatically attached to your profile. When you revisit these pages, the forms will become blank again so that you are able to update your information again.
Currently you aren’t able to view the information entered onto your profile. The developers of the database platform have identified this as priority functionality in 2020 and so we anticipate developments later in the year. We will circulate details to you as we receive them.
If you are unsure that your information may be out of date, we advise entering your up-to-date information in the interim.
The vast majority of your information, including information relating to your involvement in UK-Med activities such as training or deployments, was transferred over to the new database.
A small amount of information was not exported, based on an assessment of whether it was necessary for UK-Med to store this information, or where it this information will be recorded in a substantially different format (e.g. Language details).
Please send an email to enquiries@uk-med.org and include ‘updating my details’ in the subject line. A member of the UK-Med team will get back to you about your query.