
Unsolicited Donations

UK-Med’s policy on unsolicited donations

UK-Med’s focus is assessing and prioritising medical need. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to manage the many well meaning offers for donations of goods we receive.

UK-Med understand how the urge to ‘do something’ is significant at a time of crisis, but by far the best way to help in a meaningful way is to support the coordinated humanitarian effort with cash donations.

Unorganised goods drop offs – while well-intentioned and can feel like a practical response to the situation – can cause more harm than good as they take a lot of time to process.

Organisations that are set up to receive donations of goods from companies for use in humanitarian responses are:

There are a small number of exceptions where UK-Med may consider accepting unsolicited donations of new goods in original packaging relevant to a field hospital response, such as:

  • Limited quantities of medical PPE with 18+ months shelf life
  • Medical devices
  • Oxygen equipment
  • Electromed

The donor will have to arrange and pay for transportation to Stockport if acceptance of items is agreed. UK-Med will not accept unsolicited donations of pharmaceuticals or medicines.

If you have any questions please contact procurement@uk-med.org