
Life Saving Skills and Essential Obstetric Care

Course duration: 3.5 Days

Course description: This external course run by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine is designed to cover the five
major causes of 80% of all maternal deaths (haemorrhage, sepsis, eclampsia, complications of
abortion, and obstructed labour) as well as newborn resuscitation and early newborn care and is
especially useful for health care providers who may be going to work overseas in a resource poor

For more information please visit the LSTM website: Life Saving Skills and Essential Obstetric Care
course: https://www.lstmed.ac.uk/study/courses/life-saving-skills-essential-obstetric-care

Eligible specialities: Places on this course will be offered to midwives and obstetricians who have
completed the core training pathway.

Participant testimonials:

‘The facilitators were inspirational individuals who have worked in low income settings for long
periods and gave a valuable insight into the challenges of working in these settings’

‘Discussions around handling obstetric emergencies in a resource poor setting was very useful, also differences to
managing eclampsia (drug therapy).’