
Clinical Leadership

Course duration: 2.5 days

Course aim: The aim of the course is for participants to be able to step into a clinical leadership role in a UK EMT
response, clearly understanding roles, responsibilities, structures, duty of care and employ effective
leadership and people management skills.

Course description: This interactive course has been designed to strengthen leadership in those UK EMT members that
have been identified as potential clinical leaders. The training aims to expand participants
understanding of the UK EMT partnership, including the structure, development and command and
control structure. Participants will develop their understanding of the humanitarian sector to include
effective participation in external coordination meetings, engaging with Ministries of Health and
development of a range of referral pathways; and will develop leadership and management within
the UK EMT.

The topics covered will include:
• Establishing the Facility
• Ensuring Clinical Governance within the EMT
• Team welfare and conduct
• Crisis management

Register members who complete this training could be selected to be clinical lead on a UK EMT

Pre-requisite training/ pre-course learning: Please note that there is small amount of remote group
work to be done before this course.

CPD points: 14.5 hours CPD points

Eligible specialities: This training is open to all specialities who have completed core training.
How to apply: Register members with humanitarian experience and leadership potential will be
invited by email to attend this training.

Participant testimonials:

‘Excellent course and really important for UK EMT members to do this.’

‘Thank you all for a fantastic course. Extremely useful.’

‘Very well thought out course. It really prompted a lot of genuine discussion and interest.’

‘Extremely enjoyable and I feel more knowledgeable on being a leader within the EMT.’
‘It was very helpful working through the deployment cycle in terms of clinical leadership roles &
responsibilities, and to have the opportunity to practice and develop skills in a ‘safe place’.’