Last week was a busy week for speaking engagements for UK-Med.
Tuesday saw our chair of trustees Professor Tony Redmond, UK EMT Programme Manager Dr Freda Newlands and UK-Med Register Member Dr Holly Gettings speak at the Humanitarian Response Study Day organised by Dr Najeeb Rahman at the Royal College Emergency Medicine.
On Wednesday our CEO David Wightwick joined panellists and presenter Paul Knox Clarke for an interesting presentation and discussion about ALNAP’s State of the Humanitarian System Report 2018 report. The increasing frequency, severity and complexity of disasters shows the need for humanitarian organisations to adapt and change to changing demand.
We rounded off the week by joining Manchester Global Health Society for the ‘Epidemic to Pandemic’ lecture featuring Dr Elisa Pieri, Dr Simon Mardel OBE and David Wightwick. David was able to offer interesting and thought-provoking insights into the operational complexities of an outbreak response – with key points around the importance of logistics and community engagement to support health programming.
One of UK-Med strategic objectives for the next three years is to feed into improved evidence based policy and practice within the humanitarian health sector, and so UK-Med would like to extend our thanks to hosts and organisers for inviting us to join such important and interesting thought-leadership events.
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