
Author: ukmed

World Humanitarian Day falls on 19th August, and so throughout the month, we’ll be hearing from our members who have delivered emergency healthcare around the world. Becky was part of the UK-Med team funding supporting the UK Emergency Medical Team response to an outbreak of diphtheria spreading through Rohingya refugee camps in...

Great Manchester Run Thanks to everyone that has supported our recent fundraising towards our deployment fund – both at the Great Manchester Run, which raised £3,000, and our first ever pub quiz.  With your support, we can train more medical teams to respond quickly to global...

Cyclone Idai affected 1.85 million people, including 1 million children. The death toll was reported as 602 people but owing to the extremely rural environment and the impact on communication this is likely to have been under-reported. There were also over 1,600 people who were...