
Guidance on media enquiries for the UK-Med Register

It would not be possible to generate the news media coverage that we do without the ongoing support of people like you, our colleagues helping us save lives in emergencies. This is because whenever media inquire, they want to speak to someone on the frontline of a crisis or about to go to one; or someone recently returned from a humanitarian emergency.

We’re extremely grateful that Register members take interview requests, often at short notice.


Media engagement requires coordination to ensure spokespeople are prepared with the very latest lines and to avoid duplication of effort.

If you are approached by media, please consult with UK-Med’s media manager, Ian Woolverton (ian.woolverton@uk-med.org) – preferably before accepting an interview.

We know that many of you have existing connections with the media and we actively encourage you to foster your own opportunities too. Please alert Ian to any media engagements and get in touch with Ian if you have story ideas or would like advice on approaching media local to you.