
Training partnership visit to South Sudan

South Sudan has experienced ongoing internal conflict since independence in 2011. As a result, infrastructure is poor and under strain with a growing population and uncertain
economic outlook. Two of the biggest risks the health system faces are disease outbreaks and trauma injuries caused by violence. As a result the Ministry of Health in South Sudan and UK-Med have worked together to develop a training partnership with two partner hospitals in-country.

After an initial visit in 2018, the UK-Med team are currently delivering a two week training and capacity development deployment. Hosted by Save the Children, the team are conducting a training in trauma at Juba Teaching hospital and also in Nimule hospital in the south of the country. Team members included Lizzi Marmont (UK-Med), and UK Emergency Medical Team register members Peter Figg, David Anderson, Melanie Kavanagh, Judy Miller, Martin Griffiths and Katie Turner.

Since arriving in South Sudan the team have been shown a warm welcome, with the Minister of Health opening the first training in Juba. UK-Med’s Lizzi Marmont even managed to make it on to the national television news with the Minister!

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